Raise Right / Shop with Scrip

A new way to support Fox Hill School!

Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases. It’s never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted. 

How it works:

Raise money by purchasing gift cards at face value
Shop 750+ top brands and immediately earn up to 20% on every gift card you buy. Fox Hill can easily raise $1,000 or more every year with your everyday purchases.

Use gift cards at full value for your daily purchases
Raise money simply by doing everyday things—like grabbing your morning coffee or ordering dinner for the family.

How to get started
Create an account on theRaiseRight app or at ShopWithScrip.com using Fox Hill’s enrollment code. Fox Hill PTO will be emailing the code to families or you may contact foxhillpto@gmail.com for the code directly.

Seamlessly check out and receive eGift cards faster by securely paying online with a linked bank account or credit card.

Have questions? Contact: Steve Ciccarelli