Field Day T-Shirts 2024


Submit T-Shirt Size by Monday, April 22nd!
Fox Hill PTO will be purchasing Field Day T-shirts for all students for our upcoming Field Day at the end of May.  Each grade will wear a specific color.  Please submit your child’s t-shirt size using the form on the Parent Square post or complete and return the paper flyer sent home in your child’s backpack.

We will need many activity volunteers to help students at game stations on May 31.  In the event of inclement weather, the rain date is Monday, June 3.  All volunteers must have and updated CORI on file with the school office.  Please call the school office to check your CORI status.  CORI’s are valid for three years.  More information about volunteering will be sent home soon. 

If you would like to make a donation of $6 (per shirt), please Venmo PTO @FoxHill-PTO and include Field Day in the comments.  

Every child will receive a shirt regardless of any donation.

Thank you for your support!